Are you really interested in blogging and to test is you have become are a blogger than in this post i will explain the best blogging platforms where you will start your journey for free.
Most of the bloggers are started their journey from a free platform and its good you want to test out is really you write amazing content for users or not. If you fit in blogging then you can move into the best cms WordPress and customize your content more.
If you are really interested to write content then jump into this field, if you see some others earning or growth and take a decision to jump it then you are doing wrong because most bloggers fail because they jump into this field because of money.
If you are starting a blog and you don’t choose the right niche then your blog success chance is low, so first identify your niche.
First, identify where your expertise is there if you found this then you grow your blog faster. In most of the case, peoples start a blog by following or copying someone’s blog but it was wrong. If you do the same then choose the right niche for you first then go to next.
If we go for the best blogging platform then I suggest you start with
If we go for the best blogging platform then I suggest you start with If you check the history then the blogger is the most used platform for the beginner. Blogger is the only platform where subdomains monetized by Adsense.
I start my journey in blogger as beginner and i learn lots of stuff for free. If you are dedicated for blogging then take a chance on blogger if you get good response then you migrate to wordpress.
WorIf you want to start a blog with wordpress but you don’t want to invest then you create your free blog with wordpress subdomain. The benefit to start your free blog on wordpress is you get a detail knowledge when you upgrade your platform. In free wordpress blog you get some features of some limited features.